Library requests

 As I am an amateur researcher, I have no access to academic sources which are usually behind a paywall for online access. Also, especially the older reference works are only available in a few university libraries in Thailand. As I have only the limited time during holiday stays in Thailand to try to research there its not easy to find the data I would need to further complete the histories of the subdivisions. Thus the resources below is my current wish list, updated whenever I find something new which would be interesting, or succeed to get access to something. If you can provide me with scans of any of the items below I will be very happy, just contact me.

Reference works

  • Statistical yearbook (สมุดสถิติรายปีประเทศไทย) - need issues from 2555, 2549, 2548, 2544, 2543, 2541 and older. Only need the table listing the numbers of subdivisions per province. E.g. available in the Mahidol Central Library (2513-2556, HA4600.55 ส691ส)
  • Local directory (ทำเนียบท้องที่ พุทธศักราช) - need all issues except 2546. For newer issues only the two overview pages of each province would be sufficient, for older issues the complete book would be great. E.g. in Thammasat Pridi Library (JS7153.ก12 ท63 2483)
  • Census 1937/1947 (การสำรวจสำมะโนครัวทั่วราชอาณาจักรไทย). Mostly need population numbers, but not sure what data was printed in these old census reports. E.g. at Thammasat Pridi Library (HA1784 .ม5 2480 / HA1784 .ม5 2490


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