Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bueng Kan judiciary area

With its announcement in the Royal Gazette on May 23rd, the area of jurisdiction of the provincial court Bueng Kan (ศาลจังหวัดบึงกาฬ) has been adjusted to the boundaries of the newly created province [Gazette]. Though actually, no adjustment was needed, as the original creation of the provincial court in 1991 listed the same area, only that there were just 5 districts at that time which in the meantime had been split into eight.

Additionally, a juvenile and family court was established for Bueng Kan [Gazette]. And also the other two acts published on that day deal with the judiciary areas and Bueng Kan - the list of the provinces of the appeal court has been extended accordingly [Gazette], same as in the amendment to the criminal procedure act of 2520 [Gazette].

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