On May 3, the Royal Gazette contained the update on the province cluster regulation [Gazette], which now placed Bueng Kan into the cluster Upper Northeast 1 (ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือตอนบน 1) - not really surprising because Nong Khai was already in this cluster, so the boundaries of the cluster weren't changed, only the list of provinces within was extended.
In the cabinet meeting on May 4th, the nomination of Somphon Arunrotpanya (สมพงษ์ อรุณโรจน์ปัญญา) as first governor of Bueng Kan was approved. He already served as acting province governor since the province was established, but still was primary a deputy governor of Surin province.

And finally, the province administration has started their website, same as all other provinces it has its own site in a go.th domain. Well, actually, the name bungkan.go.th isn't yet known in the name servers, but it is found in the header graphics, right now the site can only be found at an IP address assigned to the Ministry of Education. There isn't much content yet, some news, the resume of the province governor and the history and geography of the province. And I was visitor number 472.
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